Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Me again. Eight months later. Fatter than ever. No really. I haven't stepped on the scale lately, because I'm scared to see the truth, but I know for a fact that I weigh more than I ever have (Not pregnant.) There have been a few small changes in my life over the last several months. First of all, both of my little ones are now potty trained----HALLELUJAH!! Unfortunately, they didn't accomplish the potty training before I literally lost my mind. No kidding, I finally broke one afternoon and spent over 3 hours curled into the fetal position, sobbing and hitting myself in the head. My husband and mother were beginning to discuss "the options". I'm pretty sure at least one of those options included some sort of facility that included a padded room and a straight jacket. But, after a long nap, I woke up feeling better than I had in years. It was like I had just reached the point where I couldn't take any more stress and everything just poured out of me. I agreed to anti-depressants and did about 5 sessions with a counselor. Things certainly aren't perfect, but they are better.

The other big changes have included starting a home-based business, and deciding to home school my two oldest. Neither of these things come stress-free. I never leave my house now, I have no clothes that fit to wear when I do leave the house, and I'm getting fatter by the day.

So, now we're all caught up. I'm going to eat lunch now. No promises of weight loss, no big revelations about what's causing me to be fat. Just an update. And hopefully writing here will happen more often. Happy Wednesday!