Monday, March 22, 2010


I've gotten REALLY good at a 'avoidance.' It's why I haven't posted to this blog in weeks. I don't want to face the reality of the fact that I'm fat, and that I MUST do something about it, so I avoid anything and everything that reminds me of it. I've noticed that in the last 8 years (since I started staying home with kids) that avoidance is one of the things I do best. When I'm home alone with kids during the day, I avoid answering the door. If you don't call me first and tell me you are coming over, then I'm not available to open the door for you. I avoid answering the phone to anyone who may be asking for something, or whom I just am really not in the mood to talk to----which most of the time is everyone! I love caller ID. Yep, Avoiding things is one of my best talents.

But, I've just decided I'm done. I'm done avoiding the fact that I'm fat. I'm done avoiding the fact that I HAVE to do something about it. I'm done avoiding the scale just because I don't like the number on it. I'm done avoiding this blog just because posting on it makes me feel like I'm admitting my failures. I have to admit my failures in order to change them.....right? Blah, blah, blah with the psycho babble. The point is, I can't avoid this anymore. It's time to face this and deal with it. NO MORE AVOIDING! Starting tomorrow.

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