Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Change is Coming.....Slowly

My cardiologist called back yesterday. I have a small leak in my tricuspid valve that, while not normal, is common. It's not bad enough to do anything about it at this point, other than monitor it once a year. In the same breath he said they also found slight pulmonary hypertension. From what I've read (and I may be wrong!) valve leakage can cause added pressure on the heart. So, I didn't ask, "is the hypertension being caused by the leak, or by the fact that I'm a fat ass?" I figure at this point it's probably just safer to assume that it's the fact that I'm a fat ass, and do something about it.

Nope, haven't stepped a foot near the elliptical. But, this morning for breakfast I ate a banana, and for lunch I ate a chicken salsa 'salad' (canned chicken stirred in with home made salsa). That's ALL I've eaten today! I'm pretty proud of you know, exercising a little bit of self-control for a whole 10 hours! Woo-hoo! Go me! Dinner is about an hour away though and I have no idea what we're having. I'll have a husband and 4 small children who will not want to eat rabbit food, and this is where the real test will begin. Wish me luck!

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